*** Urban Stata Scheme: urbanschemes
*** Sample charts code
*** 20230227
cd ..\sample
**# Setup: set scheme and fontface
set scheme urbanschemes"Lato"
graph set window fontface
**# Bar/column chart - v1 (with y-axis labels)
sysuse census, clearcollapse (sum) pop, by(region)
= pop / 1000000
gen pop_mill
over(region) /// // plot population (millions) by region
graph bar pop_mil, subtitle("{it:Population (millions)}") /// // subtitle = y-axis title
ytitle("") /// // remove y-axis title from side of plot
ylab(, format(%2.0f) noticks) /// // format y-axis labels to two digits and remove ticks
yscale(lcolor(white)) // remove y-axis line
"bar-v1.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "bar-v1.emf", replace
graph export "bar-v1.png", replace
graph export "bar-v1.tif", replace
graph export
**# Bar/column chart - v2 (with bar labels)
sysuse census, clearcollapse (sum) pop, by(region)
over(region) /// // plot population by region
graph bar pop, blabel(total, format(%12.0fc)) /// // label bars with total population, formatted with commas
ytitle("") /// // remove y-axis title from side of plot
ylab(, glcolor(white) noticks nolab) /// // remove grid lines, y-axis ticks, and y-axis labels
yscale(lcolor(white)) // remove y-axis line
"bar-v2.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "bar-v2.emf", replace
graph export "bar-v2.png", replace
graph export "bar-v2.tif", replace
graph export
**# Bar/column chart - v3 (with bar labels, vary colors)
sysuse census, clearcollapse (sum) pop, by(region)
over(region) /// // plot population by region
graph bar pop, /// // plot region populations as separate variables (to easily control colors)
asyvars /// // show region labels on x-axis
showyvars blabel(total, format(%12.0fc)) /// // label bars with total population, formatted with commas
bargap(75) /// // increase space between bars
ytitle("") /// // remove y-axis title from side of plot
ylab(, glcolor(white) noticks nolab) /// // remove grid lines, y-axis ticks, and y-axis labels
yscale(lcolor(white)) /// // remove y-axis line
legend(off) // turn legend off
"bar-v3.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "bar-v3.emf", replace
graph export "bar-v3.png", replace
graph export "bar-v3.tif", replace
graph export
**# Grouped bar/column chart - v1 (with y-axis labels)
sysuse citytemp, clear
over(region) /// // plot jan and june temp by region
graph bar tempjan tempjuly, subtitle("{it:Average temperature (f)}") /// // subtitle = y-axis title
ylab(, noticks) /// // remove y-axis ticks
yscale(lc(white)) /// // remove y-axis line
legend(label(1 "January") label(2 "July")) /// // relabel legend
plotregion(margin(t = 6)) // make space on top of plot for legend
"grouped-bar-v1.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "grouped-bar-v1.emf", replace
graph export "grouped-bar-v1.png", replace
graph export "grouped-bar-v1.tif", replace
graph export
**# Grouped bar/column chart - v2 (with bar labels)
sysuse citytemp, clear
over(region) /// // plot jan and june temp by region
graph bar tempjan tempjuly, blabel(total, format("%2.0f")) /// // label bars with temperatures formatted to two digits
ylab(, glcolor(white) noticks nolab) /// // remove grid lines, y-axis ticks, and y-axis labels
yscale(lc(white)) /// // remove y-axis line
legend(label(1 "January") label(2 "July")) /// // relabel legend
plotregion(margin(t = 12)) // make space on top of plot for legend
"grouped-bar-v2.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "grouped-bar-v2.emf", replace
graph export "grouped-bar-v2.png", replace
graph export "grouped-bar-v2.tif", replace
graph export
**# Horizontal bar chart - v1
sysuse auto, clearp(" ")
split make,
hbar (mean) price, ///
graph over(make1, sort(1) descending) /// // sort bars in descending order of 1st (only) variable
subtitle("{it:Average price (dollars)}") //// // subtitle = y-axis title
ytitle("") /// // remove y-axis title
ylab(, noticks) /// // remove y-axis ticks
yscale(lc(white)) /// // remove y-axis line
plotregion(margin(b = 0 t = 0)) // remove gap at bottom and top of plot
"horiz-bar-v1.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "horiz-bar-v1.emf", replace
graph export "horiz-bar-v1.png", replace
graph export "horiz-bar-v1.tif", replace
graph export
**# Line chart - v1
sysuse uslifeexp, clear
/// // plot life expectancy over time by race
line le_wm le_bm year, subtitle("{it:Life expectancy (years)}") /// // subtitle = y-axis title
ylab(0(10)80, noticks) /// // reset y-axis to begin at 0, remove y-axis ticks
yscale(lc(white)) /// // remove y-axis line
xtitle("") /// // remove unnecessary x-axis title ("Years")
legend(label(1 "White Males") label(2 "Black Males")) /// // relabel legend
plotregion(margin(b = 0 t = 6)) // remove gap at bottom of plot, make space on top of plot for legend
"line-v1.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "line-v1.emf", replace
graph export "line-v1.png", replace
graph export "line-v1.tif", replace
graph export
**# Scatter plot with best fit line - v1
sysuse auto, clear
// store correlation coefficient
corr mpg weight = string(r(rho), "%03.2f")
local rho di("`rho'")
twoway msize(1.5)) || /// // scatter mpg and weight
(scatter mpg weight, lcolor("236 0 139") lwidth(.2)), /// // fit predicted line, change color and width
(lfit mpg weight, subtitle("{it:Mileage (mpg)}") //// // subtitle = y-axis title
xtitle("{it:Weight (lbs)}") /// // x-axis title
xlab(, noticks) /// // remove x-axis ticks
ylab(, noticks) /// // remove y-axis ticks
legend(off) /// // turn off legend
text(11 4450 `"Corr = `rho'"') // add correlation coefficient
"scatter-v1.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "scatter-v1.emf", replace
graph export "scatter-v1.png", replace
graph export "scatter-v1.tif", replace
graph export
**# Histogram - v1
sysuse sp500, clear
histogram open, subtitle("{it:Density}") //// // subtitle = y-axis title
ytitle("") /// // remove y-axis title
xtitle("{it:Open price}") /// // x-axis title
ylab(, noticks) /// // remove y-axis ticks
yscale(lc(white)) // remove y-axis line
"hist-v1.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "hist-v1.emf", replace
graph export "hist-v1.png", replace
graph export "hist-v1.tif", replace
graph export
**# Kernel density - v1
sysuse auto, clear
kernel(biweight) bwidth(5) recast(area) boundary color(%50) // set kernel density options
local options
graph two if foreign, `options') /// // kernel density plot for foreign with options
(kdensity mpg (kdensity mpg if !foreign, `options'), /// // kernel density plot for domestic with options
subtitle("{it:Density}") //// // subtitle = y-axis title
ytitle("") /// // remove y-axis title
xtitle("{it:MPG}") /// // x-axis title
ylab(, noticks) /// // remove y-axis ticks
yscale(lc(white)) /// // remove y-axis line
legend(label(1 "Foreign") label(2 "Domestic")) /// // relabel legend
plotregion(margin(b = 0)) // remove gap at bottom of plot
graph export "density-v1.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "density-v1.emf", replace
graph export "density-v1.png", replace
graph export "density-v1.tif", replace
**# Box plot - v1
sysuse bpwide, clear
graph box bp_before bp_after, over(agegrp) /// // box plot over age groups
subtitle("{it:Blood pressure by age group}") /// // subtitle = y-axis title
ylab(, noticks) /// // remove y-axis ticks
yscale(lc(white)) /// // remove y-axis line
plotregion(margin(t = 10)) // make space on top of plot for legend
graph export "box-v1.svg", replace fontface(Lato)
graph export "box-v1.emf", replace
graph export "box-v1.png", replace
graph export "box-v1.tif", replace
Please use all code samples responsibly - these are samples and likely require adjustments to work correctly for your specific needs. Read through the documentation and comments to understand any caveats or limitations of the code and/or data and follow-up with the code author or Code Library admins if you have questions on how to adapt the sample to your specific use case.
Purpose: Sample code for using urbanschemes to style Stata graphics following the Urban Institute Data Visualization Style Guide