9  Alumni

The Alumni program furthers NNIP’s mission to help local communities use data to shape strategies and investments so that all neighborhoods are places where people can thrive. The goals of the program are to recognize past contributions to the network, broaden the expertise and perspectives available to the partnership, and spread NNIP values and lessons to new organizations.

NNIP enables interested individuals to retain their affiliation with the partnership beyond their tenure at an NNIP partner organization. See the list of the current NNIP Alumni.

Benefits to Alumni: NNIP Alumni receive a “guest” log-in to the website in order to access contact lists and other private content. Alumni are invited to attend NNIP meetings and webinars and to participate in workgroups. NNIP reserves the right to charge alumni members for the cost of their attendance at any meetings or events. They are also invited to join the NNIP Google discussion group.

Criteria: The Alumni program is open to individuals who have been active participants in NNIP for at least one year and are nominated by a current staff member in the NNIP partner organization. “Active” is defined as attendance at the partnership meetings, participation in cross-site projects or workgroups, and/or substantial contributions to informal peer learning.

Nomination Procedures: Current partner organizations in the city can nominate people leaving their staff to become NNIP Alumni members by emailing Urban-NNIP staff. If there is more than one organization in the city, the other organizations will be notified of the nomination to verify there are no concerns about the candidate. If the only existing partner organization in the city closes, the NNIP Executive Committee can nominate individuals in place of the local partner. The Executive Committee will review each candidate. If there is concern about conflicts of interest with a partner in another city, the Executive Committee will check with the potentially affected organizations. If no objections arise, Urban Institute will have the person sign an agreement to comply with the NNIP Alumni membership policies and add the person to the list of alumni.

Alumni memberships are renewed every two years. If there is no response in a reasonable amount of time to the renewal request, the person will be removed from the Alumni program.