6  Guidelines for Partner Organizations Working in Other NNIP Cities

Last Updated: May 01, 2024

The core principle of NNIP is that local institutions with a long-term stake in their community are the best homes for local data intermediary services. Though NNIP Partner organizations are not typically in competition with each other, from time to time, NNIP Partners’ successful work locally or their institutions’ national missions attract attention from foundations and organizations located in other cities, states, and regions. Local or national stakeholders may release a request for proposals open to out-of-town bidders or solicit individual NNIP Partner organizations specifically for a new project in an outside city. Since Partners are independent organizations, the network does not restrict or prohibit them from conducting work in other cities. We also recognize that Partners have different specialized skills and services from which other places could benefit.

However, out of respect for fellow NNIP Partner organizations and in the spirit of the NNIP model, we have developed these guidelines for engaging in a place where there is an existing NNIP Partner:

Urban-NNIP staff do not have to be involved, but are happy to help along the way however we can. In all cases, we would appreciate learning early about any joint work in the network so we can share positive examples and celebrate these connections as evidence of the power of the network. We would love to collect and share examples of NNIP Partners working together or coordinating at different levels on projects.