Chapter 20 - Vectors


20.3 - Important types of atomic vector

Problem 1

Describe the difference between is.finite(x) and !is.infinite(x).

is.finite(x) returns TRUE for NaN and NA. !is.infinite(x) returns FALSE for NaN and NA. That’s because both functions test for finite/infinite and not missing. ! thus turns a FALSE from a missing value into a TRUE.

## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE

Problem 2

Read the source code for dplyr::near() (Hint: to see the source code, drop the ()). How does it work?

It subtracts the first value from the second value and then sees if the difference is smaller than a tolerance of .Machine$double.eps^0.5.

Problem 3

A logical vector can take 3 possible values. How many possible values can an integer vector take? How many possible values can a double take? Use google to do some research.

R has 2147483647 positive integers, 2147483647 negative integers, NA, and 0L. That sums up to 4.294967310^{9} possible values for integers. This numbers is ironically not an integer in R.

The maximum double on this computer is 1.797693110^{308} and the minimum double on this computer is 1.797693110^{308}. This machine floats to 53. Double can also take the values -Inf, Inf, NA, and NaN. Doubles can approximately take (.Machine$double.xmax * 2) * (10 ^ .Machine$double.digits) + 4 values. R can’t actually display this number.

Problem 4

Brainstorm at least four functions that allow you to convert a double to an integer. How do they differ? Be precise.

todo(aaron): I can think of ways to truncate decimals. I can’t think of ways to change the type of atomic vector.

## [1] 2.2
as_integer <- function(x) {
  (x %/% 1)

## [1] "double"
as_integer <- function(x) {
 x - x %% 1 

## [1] 2
as_integer <- function(x) {

## [1] 2

Problem 5

What functions from the readr package allow you to turn a string into logical, integer, and double vector?

parse_logical, parse_integer, and parse_number

20.4 - Using atomic vectors

Problem 1

What does mean( tell you about a vector x? What about sum(!is.finite(x))?

mean( calculates the proportion of values in the vector that are missing.

sum(!is.finite(x)) calculates the number of values in the vector that are infinite, missing, or not a number.

Problem 2

Carefully read the documentation of is.vector(). What does it actually test for? Why does is.atomic() not agree with the definition of atomic vectors above?

is.vector() tests if a vector is of the specified mode and has no attributes other than names.

is.atomic() returns TRUE if the object is NULL. In “R for Data Science”, NULL isn’t considered a vector.

Problem 3

Compare and contrast setNames() with purrr::set_names().

purrr::set_names() is a snake case wrapper for setNames() with tweaked defaults and stricter argument checking.

In particular, the argument x is unnamed and and comes first and names are named and come second in purrr::set_names(). Additionally, it tests to see if x is a vector.

purrr::set_names() is now the same as rlang::set_names() so:

  • If you do nothing, x will be named with itself.
  • If x already has names, you can provide a function or formula to transform the existing names. In that case, … is passed to the function.
  • If nm is NULL, the names are removed (if present).
  • In all other cases, nm and … are coerced to character.

Problem 4

Create functions that take a vector as input and returns:

The last value. Should you use [ or [[?

Use [[ because it will always return only one value.

numbers <- c(1, 10, 93, 25, 43, NA, NA, 104, 10, NA, 25)

get_last <- function(x) {

## [1] 25

The elements at even numbered positions.

get_evens <- function(x) {
  index <- seq(from = 2, to = length(x), by = 2)

## [1]  10  25  NA 104  NA

Every element except the last value.

get_all_but_last <- function(x) {
  index <- 1:(length(numbers) - 1)

##  [1]   1  10  93  25  43  NA  NA 104  10  NA

Only even numbers (and no missing values).

get_evens <- function(x) {
  index <- seq(from = 2, to = length(x), by = 2)
  evens <- x[index]

## [1]  10  25 104

Problem 5

Why is x[-which(x > 0)] not the same as x[x <= 0]?

x[-which(x > 0)] returns NaN and x[x <= 0] does not return NaN.

which() returns integers of the positions that meet the criteria and aren’t NaN. Adding - to the index, drops the values meet the criteria and aren’t NaN, but leaves the values that don’t meet the criteria or are NaN.

Conditionals return NA when tested against NaN, so NaN is dropped. This holds even if the opposite vector is used as an index. ! changes TRUE to FALSE and FALSE to TRUE but it leaves NA as NA.

x <- c(NA, -5, 10, 20, 0, NA, 10000, 10.1, NaN, Inf)

# 1
which(x > 0)
## [1]  3  4  7  8 10
-which(x > 0)
## [1]  -3  -4  -7  -8 -10
x[-which(x > 0)]
## [1]  NA  -5   0  NA NaN
# 1
x <= 0
# 2
x[x <= 0]
## [1] NA -5  0 NA NA

Problem 6

What happens when you subset with a positive integer that’s bigger than the length of the vector? What happens when you subset with a name that doesn’t exist?

The subset returns an NA.

x <- c(1, 2, 3)

## [1] NA

The subset returns an NA with a name attribute of NA.

x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)

## <NA> 
##   NA

20.5 - Recursive vectors (lists)

Problem 1

Draw the following lists as nested sets:

  1. list(a, b, list(c, d), list(e, f))
  2. list(list(list(list(list(list(a))))))

Problem 2

What happens if you subset a tibble as if you’re subsetting a list? What are the key differences between a list and a tibble?

[ returns a tibble with the referenced columns. [[ returns a single vector with no attributes.

mtcars <- tbl_df(mtcars)

# tibble with just the first vector
## # A tibble: 32 x 1
##      mpg
##    <dbl>
##  1  21  
##  2  21  
##  3  22.8
##  4  21.4
##  5  18.7
##  6  18.1
##  7  14.3
##  8  24.4
##  9  22.8
## 10  19.2
## # ... with 22 more rows
# vector with no attributes
##  [1] 21.0 21.0 22.8 21.4 18.7 18.1 14.3 24.4 22.8 19.2 17.8 16.4 17.3 15.2
## [15] 10.4 10.4 14.7 32.4 30.4 33.9 21.5 15.5 15.2 13.3 19.2 27.3 26.0 30.4
## [29] 15.8 19.7 15.0 21.4

A tibble is a list of columns. The difference between a tibble and a list is that all of the elemtns of a data frame must be vectors of the same length while lists can have elements of different lengths.

20.7 - Augmented vectors

Problem 1

What does hms::hms(3600) return? How does it print? What primitive type is the augmented vector built on top of? What attributes does it use?

It returns a vector with classes “hms” and “difftime”. The primitive type is double. It has attributes $units and $class.

Problem 2

Try and make a tibble that has columns with different lengths. What happens?

It returns an error: “Error: Column a must be length 1 or 5, not 3”

tibble(a = 1:3,
       b = 1:5)

Problem 3

Based on the definition above, is it ok to have a list as a column of a tibble?

Yes. columns are an important feature of tibbles.

tibble(a = list(c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 3), 1),
       b = 1:3)
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
##   a             b
##   <list>    <int>
## 1 <dbl [3]>     1
## 2 <dbl [2]>     2
## 3 <dbl [1]>     3