Print Dataset Info

Purpose: Autocall macro to print basic information for a data set: contents, first few observations, and descriptive statistics.

/******************* URBAN INSTITUTE MACRO LIBRARY *********************
 Macro: File_info
 Description: Autocall macro to print basic information for a
 data set:  contents, first few obs., and descriptive statistics.
 Use: Open code
 Author: Peter Tatian

%macro File_info(
  data=,           /* Data set */
  contents=Y,      /* Print Proc Contents (N to suppress) */
  printobs=10,     /* Number of obs. to print (0 to suppress) */
  printchar=N,     /* Print char. vars. only when printing obs. */
  printvars=,      /* List of variables to print (optional) */
  freqvars=,       /* List of variables for frequency tables (optional) */
  stats=n sum mean stddev min max  /* Proc Means statistics (blank to suppress) */

  /*************************** USAGE NOTES *****************************
     %File_info( data=MyData )
       prints contents, first 10 obs, and default statistics for
       MyData data set.

  /*************************** UPDATE NOTES ****************************
   10/13/04  Added freqvars option to do frequency tables.

  %***** ***** ***** MACRO SET UP ***** ***** *****;

  %***** ***** ***** ERROR CHECKS ***** ***** *****;

  %***** ***** ***** MACRO BODY ***** ***** *****;

  title2 "File = &data";

  %if %mparam_is_yes( &contents ) %then %do; 
    proc contents data=&data;

  %if &printobs > 0 %then %do; 
    proc print data=&data (obs=&printobs);
    %if %mparam_is_yes( &printchar ) %then %do;
      var _char_;
      title3 "Printing first &printobs obs. (char. vars. only)";
    %else %if %length( &printvars ) > 0 %then %do;
      var &printvars;
      title3 "Printing first &printobs obs. (selected vars.)";
    %else %do;
      title3 "Printing first &printobs obs.";
  %if %length( &stats ) %then %do;
    options nolabel;
    proc means data=&data &stats;
    options label;

  %if %length( &freqvars ) %then %do;
    proc freq data=&data;
      tables &freqvars / missing;


  %***** ***** ***** CLEAN UP ***** ***** *****;


%mend File_info;

/************************ UNCOMMENT TO TEST ***************************
%File_info( data=Sashelp.Shoes, freqvars=region product )