MOE from Derived Ratio

Purpose: Autocall macro that returns a calculation for a margin of error for a derived ratio based on the values and margins of error of the proportion numerator and denominator.

The numerator of a ratio is NOT a subset of the denominator (e.g., the ratio of females living alone to males living alone).

/******************* URBAN INSTITUTE MACRO LIBRARY *********************
 Macro: Moe_ratio
 Description: Autocall macro that returns a calculation for a margin of error 
 for a derived ratio based on the values and margins of error of the 
 proportion numerator and denominator.
 The numerator of a ratio is NOT a subset of the denominator
 (e.g., the ratio of females living alone to males living alone).
 Use: Function
 Author: Peter Tatian

%macro Moe_ratio( 
  num=,       /** Ratio numerator value **/
  den=,       /** Ratio denominator value **/
  num_moe=,   /** Numerator margin of error **/
  den_moe=    /** Denominator margin of error **/

  /*************************** USAGE NOTES *****************************
     %moe_ratio( num=female, den=male, num_moe=female_moe, den_moe=male_moe )
       returns calculation for margin of error for ratio female/male

  /*************************** UPDATE NOTES ****************************
   09/23/11  Peter A. Tatian

  %***** ***** ***** MACRO SET UP ***** ***** *****;
  %local ratio;
  %***** ***** ***** ERROR CHECKS ***** ***** *****;

  %***** ***** ***** MACRO BODY ***** ***** *****;
  %let ratio = ((&num)/(&den));
  (sqrt( ((&num_moe)*(&num_moe)) + ((&ratio*&ratio) * ((&den_moe)*(&den_moe))) ) / (&den))

  %***** ***** ***** CLEAN UP ***** ***** *****;

%mend Moe_ratio;

/************************ UNCOMMENT TO TEST ***************************
options mprint;
data _null_;
  ratio = 45/55;
  moe = %moe_ratio( num=45, den=55, num_moe=10, den_moe=8 );
  put ratio= moe=;