/******************* URBAN INSTITUTE MACRO LIBRARY *********************
: Freq_table
Macro: SAS autocall macro to create a data set containing frequency
Descriptionfor a set of variables from an input data set.
distributions in the input data set is a single obs
Each value of a variable in the output data set. The output data set contains the
following variables- The name of the variable
Variable - The raw value of the variable (nb: this is a char var)
Value - The formatted value of the variable. If variable is
unformatted, then this is the same as Value.- Frequency of the value for the variable
Frequency - Percentage of value for the variable
Percent - Cumm. frequency of the value for the variable
CumFrequency - Cumm. percentage of value for the variable
: Open code
: Peter Tatian
%macro in_data = , /** Input data set **/
var_list = , /** List of variables for frequencies **/
formats = , /** Format assignments for variables (optional, Formats saved in data set will be used if no formats specified in macro.) **/
out_data = , /** Output data set **/
missing = Y, /** Include missing values in freqencies (Y/N) **/
print = N, /** Print freq tables in listing output (Y/N) **/
mprint = N /** Print resolved macro code in LOG **/
/*************************** USAGE NOTES *****************************
SAMPLE CALLFreq_table(
%in_data = Test,
var_list = q1 q2 q3,
formats = q1 q1f. q3 $q3f.,
out_data = Test_freq_table,
missing = Y
The following named parameters must be supplied= Input data set
in_data = List of variables to include in freqs.
var_list = Output data set
The following parameters are optional= Format specifications for variables
formats in data set will be used
(Formats saved if no formats specified in macro.)
= Include missing values in freqs (Y/N, def. Y)
missing = Print freq tables in listing output (Y/N, def. N)
print *********************************************************************/
/*************************** UPDATE NOTES ****************************
11/26/02 Peter A. Tatian
09/02/04 Added check for empty variable list. Macro exits if VAR_LIST
is blank.06/24/06 Fixed problems introduced with switch to SAS 9.
= option.
Added MPRINT12/11/06 Now supports both SAS versions 8 & 9.
Changed length of output data set var. VARIABLE to
to be compatible with Proc Contents data set.02/23/11 PAT Added declaration for local macro vars.
***** ***** ***** MACRO SET UP ***** ***** *****;
%local SAS_VER namelist i var;
Note_mput( macro=Freq_table, msg=Macro starting. )
** Save current MPRINT setting and reset based on MPRINT= parameter **;
Push_option( mprint, quiet=y )
%if %mparam_is_yes( &mprint ) %then %do;
options mprint;
%end;%else %do;
options nomprint;
***** ***** ***** ERROR CHECKS ***** ***** *****;
** Check compatible SAS version **;
%let SAS_VER = %sysfunc( int( &SYSVER ) );
%if &SAS_VER ~= 8 and &SAS_VER ~= 9 %then %do;
err_mput( macro=Freq_table, msg=Macro does not support this version of SAS. )
%goto exit;
** Check that variable list is not empty **;
%if %length( &var_list ) = 0 %then %do;
Note_mput( macro=Freq_table, msg=Variable list passed to macro FREQ_TABLE is empty. )
%goto exit;
***** ***** ***** MACRO BODY ***** ***** *****;
%if %mparam_is_no( &print ) %then %do;
ods listing close;
%if &SAS_VER = 9 %then %do;
ods output onewayfreqs= _Freq_table;
%let namelist
%end;%else %if &SAS_VER = 8 %then %do;
ods output
proc freq data&var_list
tables %if %mparam_is_yes( &missing ) %then %do;
;%if %length( &formats ) > 0 %then %do;
ods output close;
%if %mparam_is_no( &print ) %then %do;
ods listing;
$ 32 Value $ 40 FmtValue $ 80;
length Variable
** Initialize loop counter and read first var from list **;
= 1;
%let i %let var = %scan( &var_list, &i );
** Execute loop until end of list is reached **;
%do %while( %length( &var ) > 0 );
%if &SAS_VER = 9 %then %do;
** SAS ver. 9 code **;
%= substr( Table, 7 );
Variable if vname( &var ) = Variable then do;
= trim( &var );
Value = trim( f_&var );
%end;%else %if &SAS_VER = 8 %then %do;
** SAS ver. 8 code **;
%= Table;
Variable if vname( &var ) = Variable then do;
= trim( &var );
Value = trim( f_&var );
** Increment list pointer and read next var name **;
%let i = %eval( &i + 1 );
%let var = %scan( &var_list, &i );
label = 'Value of variable'
Value = 'Formatted value of variable'
FmtValue = 'Variable name';
keep CumFrequency CumPercent FmtValue Frequency Percent Value Variable;
** Delete temporary data sets **;
=work memtype=(data) nolist nowarn;
proc datasets library&namelist;
***** ***** ***** CLEAN UP ***** ***** *****;
** Restore system options **;
Pop_option( mprint, quiet=y )
Note_mput( macro=Freq_table, msg=Macro exiting. )
%mend Freq_table;
/************************ UNCOMMENT TO TEST ***************************
'Freq_table: UISUG Macro Library';
options nocenter;
options mprint symbolgen nomlogic;** Locations of SAS autocall macro libraries **;
*filename uiautos "Uiautos:";
*filename uiautos "C:\Projects\UISUG\Uiautos";
filename uiautos =(uiautos sasautos);
options sasautos
%put _all_;
data Test;$;
input Id Q1 Q2 Q3
if q3 = "." then q3 = "";
cards;1 1 2 a
2 2 5 b
3 1 3 c
4 3 4 d
5 2 5 e
6 . 3 .
proc format;
value Q1f1 = 'Yes'
2 = 'No'
3 = 'Maybe'
= 'Missing';
. $q3f
value = 'Value A'
a = 'Value B'
b = 'Value C'
c = 'Value D';
%in_data = Test,
var_list = q1 q2 q3,
formats = q1 q1f. q3 $q3f.,
out_data = Test_freq_table,
missing = Y,
print = Y,
mprint = Y
proc contents data=Test_freq_table noobs;
proc print data
var variable value fmtvalue frequency percent cumfrequency cumpercent;'File=Test_freq_table';
Frequency Tables
Purpose: SAS autocall macro to create a data set containing frequency distributions for a set of variables from an input data set. Each value of a variable in the input data set is a single observation in the output data set. The output data set contains the following variables:
Variable: The name of the variable
Value: The raw value of the variable (nb: this is a char var)
FmtValue: The formatted value of the variable. If variable is unformatted, then this is the same as Value.
Frequency: Frequency of the value for the variable
Percent: Percentage of value for the variable
CumFrequency: Cumm. frequency of the value for the variable
CumPercent: Cumm. percentage of value for the variable