/******************* URBAN INSTITUTE MACRO LIBRARY *********************
: Sort_array_ref
Macro: autocall macro to 'sort' the elements in an array by reference.
Description*}, the macro creates a temporary array
Given an array, A{*} that contains a list of indices for the
called A_SRTD{in sorted order.
original array that will put its elements
: Within data step
: Peter Tatian
Sort_array_ref( arry, max_arry_size=32767, order=ASCENDING, quiet=N );
/*************************** USAGE NOTES *****************************
SAMPLE CALLSort_array_ref( a )
creates a temporary array, a_srtd{}, that has the index valuesfor array a{} that put array values in ascending order, ie,
1}} would return the smallest value in a{}
/*************************** UPDATE NOTES ****************************
06/02/03 Peter A. Tatian
***** ***** ***** MACRO SET UP ***** ***** *****;
%local comp_op;
***** ***** ***** ERROR CHECKS ***** ***** *****;
** Check that size of array does not exceed temporary array size **;
if dim( &arry ) > &max_arry_size then do;
%err_put( macro=Sort_array_ref, msg="Size of array %upcase( &arry ) exceeds limit set in MAX_ARRY_SIZE parameter (&max_arry_size)." )
%err_put( macro=Sort_array_ref, msg="Specify a larger value for MAX_ARRY_SIZE= parameter in macro invocation." )
%***** ***** ***** MACRO BODY ***** ***** *****;
%if %upcase( &order ) = DESCENDING %then %do;
%let comp_op = LT;
%if not %mparam_is_yes( &quiet ) %then %do;
%note_put( macro=Sort_array_ref, msg="Array %upcase( &arry ) will be sorted in DESCENDING order." )
%else %do;
%let comp_op = GT;
%if not %mparam_is_yes( &quiet ) %then %do;
%note_put( macro=Sort_array_ref, msg="Array %upcase( &arry ) will be sorted in ASCENDING order." )
** Define temporary array of array indices to sort **;
array &arry._srtd{ &max_arry_size } _temporary_;
do _srta_i = 1 to dim( &arry );
&arry._srtd{ _srta_i } = _srta_i;
** Sort array indices by array element value using bubble sort algorithm **;
do _srta_i = dim( &arry ) to 1 by -1;
do _srta_j = 1 to dim( &arry ) - 1;
if &arry{ &arry._srtd{ _srta_j } } &comp_op &arry{ &arry._srtd{ _srta_j + 1} } then do;
_srta_z = &arry._srtd{ _srta_j };
&arry._srtd{ _srta_j } = &arry._srtd{ _srta_j + 1 };
&arry._srtd{ _srta_j + 1 } = _srta_z;
drop _srta_i _srta_j _srta_z;
%***** ***** ***** CLEAN UP ***** ***** *****;
%mend Sort_array_ref;
/************************ UNCOMMENT TO TEST ***************************
title "Sort_array_ref: SAS Macro Library";
options mprint nosymbolgen nomlogic;
data Test_Sort_array_ref;
input w x y z;
3 1 4 2
data _null_;
set Test_Sort_array_ref;
array a{*} w x y z;
%Sort_array_ref( a )
put / "UNSORTED: " @;
do i = 1 to dim( a );
put "a{" i "}=" a{i} " " @;
put / "SORTED: " @;
do i = 1 to dim( a );
put "a{" a_srtd{i} "}=" a{a_srtd{i}} " " @;
put //;
data _null_;
set Test_Sort_array_ref;
array a{*} w x y z;
%Sort_array_ref( a, order=descending )
put / "UNSORTED: " @;
do i = 1 to dim( a );
put "a{" i "}=" a{i} " " @;
put / "SORTED: " @;
do i = 1 to dim( a );
put "a{" a_srtd{i} "}=" a{a_srtd{i}} " " @;
put //;
Sort Array Elements
Purpose: Autocall macro to ‘sort’ the elements in an array by reference. Given an array, A{*}, the macro creates a temporary array called A_SRTD{*} that contains a list of indices for the original array that will put its elements in sorted order.